Latest: International Friendship Day - 4 August 2024

International Day of Friendship is a day to appreciate and promote friendships from all backgrounds.

Published on 16 Jul 2024

Grief Awareness Day: 30 August 2024

Most people experience grief during their life, when they lose someone important to them. If these feelings are affecting you, there are things you can do that may help.

Published on 16 Jul 2024

Why having some savings is so important

We understand the cost of day to day living doesn’t leave much at the end of the month, but saving even a small amount now, could mean a lot to you in the future.

Published on 08 Jul 2024

Samaritans Awareness Day - 24 July 2024

Every year in July, Samaritans branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland hold local events to raise awareness of Samaritans.  They are here to listen to anyone who’s struggling to cope, at any time of the day or night.

Published on 17 Jun 2024

Men's Health Week 2024 - 10-16 June

Wellbeing and health are topics that are often over-looked by men. Men’s Health Week is a great time to think about your overall wellbeing.

Published on 01 Jun 2024

Carers Week 2024 - 10-16 June

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers of all ages face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities.

Published on 01 Jun 2024

Loneliness Awareness Week 2024 - 10-16 June

Loneliness awareness week is hosted by Marmalade Trust. Their aim is to reduce the stigma of loneliness.

Published on 01 Jun 2024

Healthy Eating Week 2024 - 10-14 June

Healthy eating week is a great time to think about improving your diet. Poor nutrition and obesity are becoming more common in the UK.

Published on 01 Jun 2024

How to decide if a personal loan is right for you

Most people will need to borrow money at some stage in their lives. But before borrowing money, it's important to carefully consider your financial situation, to make sure taking a loan out is right for your personal circumstances.

Published on 07 May 2024

Dementia Action Week 2024 - 13-19 May

Dementia Action Week run by the Alzheimer’s Society is an awareness week to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’. This year’s theme is diagnosis.

Published on 01 May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 - 13-19 May

Mental health problems can affect anyone, any time of the year, but mental health awareness week is a great time to show your support for better mental health and looking after your own wellbeing.

Published on 01 May 2024

National Walking Month 2024

May is National Walking month. With the evenings being lighter for longer, May is a great month to get outside and start walking.

Published on 01 May 2024

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